DG BHU-RAKSHAK is better root establishment. It has increased stress tolerance and drought resistance & increases the nutrient uptakes specially phosphorus to the plant and water absorption. It improve the soil and plant health and better germination. It improves tolerance to root pathogen including bacteria and Nematode. It will be higher and better Yield quality. It has increase the no of tillers and grain filling. It will be stimulates Photosynthesis & reduced chemical fertilizers.

Ammonic Acid โ€“ (Algae, Cow Urine, Amino Acids) 14%
Calcium Phosphate (Bonemil)  35%
Biological Potash โ€“ (seaweed and potassium humate) 11%
Micro and Secondary Nutrients โ€“ (Vermiwas, Bentonite, Dolomite) 40%

Dosage: 5 โ€“ 10 kg per acre from soil

Natural Ingredients Seaweed
Amino Acid
14% Bonemeal 35% Humic Acid
Seaweed Extract
11% Vermi Wash Bentonite
Nutrients Derived From It Organic Nitrogen & Ammonia N Tri Calcium Phosphate & Ammonia P Organic Potash K Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg).

Available Sizes: 5kg, 10kg.

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